ABC Refinery Breaks Down Their Lemel Scrap Refinery Services


ABC Refinery is a full service refiner of gold, silver, platinum and palladium. ABC Refinery is the only independent LBMA accredited gold refinery in Australia and reaffirms the position of the ABC Bullion brand as a cornerstone of the Australasian physical gold trading system.

Depending on input, ABC Refinery employs proprietary aqua regia, electrolytic and chlorination refining methodologies. As a full-service precious metal refinery, ABC Refinery has significant capacity to refine the following metals to:

  • Gold (AU) 999.9+
  • Silver (AG) 999.9+
  • Platinum (PT) 999.5+
  • Palladium (PD) 999.5+

At its core, refinery is a process of taking an impure material and working to purify it. What makes ABC Refinery different than any other refinery service is their unique, propiertary process. ABC Refinery employs a proprietary aqua regia, electrolytic and chlorination refining methodologies. Refinery is a practice that can be utilized for many different purposes.

ABC Refinery also accepts refining scrap lemel jobs from the jewellery industry. Processing everything from scrap materials to large structures. This allows jewelers the materials they need to create the most impressive pieces of jewelry possible

The utilization of proprietary technology by ABC Refinery helps the company produce the purest product at the most competitive prices. Below are just some of the materials most commonly associated with the ABC Refinery lemel scrap refining  process:

  • Jewelry Solids
  • Grinding Sweeps,
  • Filters
  • Carpets
  • Benches
  • Floor Sweeps
  • Dental Scrap
  • Stone Removal
  • Fillings & Grindings
  • Tools
  • Scrap Silver

The ABC Refinery process is extremely beneficial to those that provide the materials for the refinery process. Payment can be processed via checks, wire transfers, credit against purchases, and more. It all starts with ABC Refinery recieving the materials and weighing them. Next, it’s time for the melting process.

When melting materials, high-grade solids are usually poured into individual bars. Low-grade materials must be processed separately to ensure quality. Ultimately, the team of experts at ABC Refinery is able to make those types of decisions, which can lead to the best return on investment for the customer. Once the bars are cooled, they are sampled. Sampling basically consists of drilling the bars or tubes that were created. The samples can then go through the assaying process to help materials like gold reach the 999.9+ quality level that ABC Refinery is known for.

Those who supply the materials should expect settlement quickly and efficiently. To learn more about the ABC Refinery process, visit

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